Display and walk set for suicide prevention awareness
Monday, August 29, 2016
Statistics that show 20 or more veterans take their own lives in the U.S. each day will be a key focus of awareness activities at Oklahoma State University during National Suicide Prevention month in September. Plans include a display that will offer the grim details and a walk to support veterans here as well as active duty service members abroad.
“One suicide is too many and we can do our part to increase awareness and help those who provide assistance to our veterans,” said Richard Hansen, director of the OSU Office of Veteran Student Academic Services. “Our intent is not to shock, but to prompt a dialogue on campus and in our community about this tragic problem, which impacts an increasing number of civilians as well as veterans in the U.S.”
Featuring 22 pairs of boots that represent the veteran suicide statistics, a display will be situated near the entrance of the Student Union Theater as a reminder to all who pass by from Sept. 6 – 12. Each pair of boots will include a fact about suicide in the U.S., where the total number of suicides has risen by 23 percent since 2001, making it the tenth leading cause of death among Americans, according to the Center for Disease Control. Other locations for the display will be considered throughout the month.
The services office will also join the OSU Student Veterans Organization in partnering with the Red Dirt Military Moms for the second annual Warrior Walk Against Veteran Suicide on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Boomer Lake Park in Stillwater. The community is invited to participate.
Ninety percent of the $22 registration fee to join the walk will go to the Red Dirt Military Moms for veterans assistance operations that include sending care packages to deployed military service members, providing health and comfort items to homeless veterans, and visiting veterans in nursing homes and hospitals. Everyone is invited to participate and help support the Red Dirt Military Moms. You can register for the walk online at www.warriorsforfreedom.org/2016stillwater.
For more information, contact the Office of Veteran Student Academic Services at (405) 744-1390 or email richard.hansen@okstate.edu.