OSU announces spring 2016 graduates
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Oklahoma State University awarded degrees to a total of 3,414 students this past spring, including 2,306 Oklahomans, according to the Office of the Registrar.
Graduates are listed by their designated hometowns, along with degree and subject area. Degrees earned with distinction - summa cum laude (with highest honor), magna cum laude (with great honor) or cum laude (with honor) - are noted to the right of the degree earned.
To search OSU’s lists of graduates, click on the link below and enter your search term in the top right field. Click the appropriate corresponding search category to locate your results.
***Note: To search by state, please enter the state abbreviation. For example, to search for Oklahoma students, enter OK.
A complete list of Oklahoma, out-of-state and international graduates is available at https://news.okstate.edu/graduation-list