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OSU employee finds success in Choose You program

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

OSU employee Sarah Axtell participated in the fall 2015 Choose You program.

Oklahoma State University’s Choose You program may only last 14 weeks, but it makes a lasting impact on its participants.

Choose You is a diabetes prevention program that focuses on helping at-risk employees develop and maintain healthy habits and lifestyles. Sarah Axtell, a computer specialist in human resources information management, learned about the program after reading about it on the Department of Wellness’ website. Axtell’s family history of diabetes pushed her to participate, but she did not expect a long-term impact.

“I thought it was going to be like any other program I have tried,” Axtell said. “I’ll sit there and listen, but then I’ll just go home and eat my candy bars.”

Participants meet weekly and discuss nutrition and workout plans, as well as their personal progress. For Axtell, the relationships she developed with other participants and the program’s lead dietician Elizabeth Lohrman encouraged her to continue with the program.

“There were only six of us in the program, and we all shared our failures and we all shared our successes,” Axtell said. “At first, I didn’t want to. Elizabeth never required us to share, but we did because of the family she created during the program. And it made it easier for Elizabeth to help us with our struggles.”

During the program, Axtell lost 20 pounds. Since the end of the program, she has maintained her healthy lifestyle and has lost an additional 10 pounds. But the impact of the program goes beyond weight loss. Axtell shows fewer signs of metabolic syndrome and has gained a new perspective on wellness.

“There has been such a change in how I feel and look and how I want to be, and I never would have found any of that if it hadn’t been for Choose You,” Axtell said.

What Axtell initially thought was going to be a chore has now changed her entire life, and she recommends the program to others who are looking to make healthy changes.

“The program itself is easy, but following it is hard,” Axtell said. “But if anyone thinks they have the correct mindset and is ready, the Choose You program can change your life. I know it changed mine. I owe so much to Choose You, and I hope any staff member who is questioning whether or not they should join Choose You knows that it can change your life.”

For more information about Choose You and other programs offered by the Department of Wellness, visit

Story by Catherine Wilson