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Volunteer Fair to provide information about local agencies

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Student Union

Oklahoma State University students are known for giving their time around the Stillwater community with more than 42,536 volunteer hours already submitted this academic year. The Have a Heart Volunteer Fair, sponsored by the OSU Service-Learning Volunteer Center on Feb. 12, will provide information about additional volunteer opportunities to students hoping to give back to the community. 

The SLVC, located in the Department of Leadership and Campus Life in the Student Union, assists students in becoming actively engaged in their community through volunteer efforts. The goal of the come-and-go event is to provide all the information for volunteering in one location, facilitated by student leaders involved in those particular programs. Those students who are interested in volunteering in spring 2016 can stop by and learn about local non-profit agencies in need of assistance.

While at the Have a Heart Volunteer Fair, guests can also interact with student leaders to register and choose a volunteer position for spring 2016. Student leaders will introduce issues of hunger, homelessness, the environment, education, youth and poverty. The Have a Heart Volunteer Fair explains how helpers can be part of the solution.

“Our students are relentless in their efforts in giving back to the community,” said Joyce Montgomery, Service-Learning Volunteer Center coordinator. “All are welcome to learn about local non-profits and other volunteer opportunities to serve the community.”

The Have a Heart Volunteer Fair will be held in Student Union room 417, also known as Exhibit Room 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to spin the wheel to win prizes and enjoy cookies, while writing a Valentine to give to a veteran for the Valentines for Veterans program.

Since its inception in 1984, the Service-Learning Volunteer Center has promoted leadership for Oklahoma State University students by offering interactive and meaningful service-learning activities, providing research opportunities and connecting with society to promote the general welfare of its citizens. For more information about the SLVC, visit