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Personnel actions were approved Friday at the Board of Regents meeting.

Personnel actions approved at OSU/A&M Board of Regents meeting

Friday, December 6, 2019

Numerous Oklahoma State University personnel actions were approved for the Stillwater campus and Center for Health Sciences during the OSU/A&M Board of Regents meeting Friday in Langston.

NEW APPOINTMENTS: Naichong Chen, research assistant professor, Agricultural Biosciences; Parker Henley, assistant professor, Animal and Food Sciences; Bizhen Hu, assistant professor, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; Mohammed Al Dushaishi, assistant professor, Chemical Engineering.

Center for Health Sciences: Judy Miller, clinical associate professor, Internal Medicine; Angela Christy, clinical associate professor, OB/GYN; Shelley Shoun, clinical associate professor, OB/GYN; Charles Bingham, clinical assistant professor (appointment to the OSU-CHS Tahlequah campus), Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine; Micah Hartwell, clinical assistant professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science; Randal Cook, clinical assistant professor, Rural Health; Jennifer Stauffer, clinical assistant professor, Rural Health; Rebecca Stephen, clinical assistant professor, Rural Health.

CHANGES: Matt Bowler, appointment as MBA Director, Watson Graduate School of Management, and to the Ralph A. and Peggy A. Brenneman Professorship, Management; Stephen Wanger, reappointment to the Don and Cathey Humphreys Chair, Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation.

CORRECTION: Anthony Collins, correcting title from initial appointment date to include the Naifeh & RNDC director, Wayne Hirst Center for Beverage Education, Hospitality and Tourism Management.

RETIREMENTS: Loren Smith, Aug. 31, 2020, Integrative Biology; Laura Barnes, Jan. 2, 2020, Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation.

MEDIA CONTACT: Shannon Rigsby | Public Information Officer | 405-744-9081 |

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