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Dr. Randy Kluver, (left) dean of Oklahoma State University's School of Global Studies and Partnerships, presents Dr. Barbara Brown with the Global Education Faculty Excellence Award during the University Awards Convocation.

Professor Barbara Brown receives Global Education Faculty Excellence Award

Monday, December 16, 2019

Dr. Barbara Brown, associate professor of Nutritional Sciences in Oklahoma State University’s College of Education, Health, Aviation and Human Sciences, has been awarded the 2018-2019 Global Education Faculty Excellence Award in recognition of her dedication to expanding OSU’s global impact and her significant international experiences.

In addition to leading several study abroad trips for OSU students, Brown has completed four volunteer assignments with the U.S. Agency for International Development Farmer-to-Farmer program that have empowered communities in Nicaragua, Haiti, Mozambique and Ecuador to adopt nutritious and hygienic food-preservation techniques in non-mechanized regions of those countries. The knowledge and experience she has gained through her global efforts has also benefitted the state of Oklahoma, as many of her techniques have since been adopted in different regions of the state.

SGSP Dean, Dr. Randy Kluver, presented Brown with the award at the University Awards Convocation on Wednesday, Dec. 11, in the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center.

“OSU has a long history of global engagement, and honorees of this award have contributed greatly to the university’s legacy,” Kluver said. “Dr. Brown is no exception. Her long-standing commitment to improving the lives of others has had a lasting impact around the world, and we are incredibly delighted to recognize her for it.”

SGSP awards the Global Education Faculty Excellence Award each year to a faculty member who has distinguished themselves through excellence in international teaching, research, and/or outreach programs and activities. The nomination process includes a letter of nomination from faculty and leadership across OSU’s academic colleges. The nominees are then considered by the SGSP International Advisory Committee, which has representatives from all academic colleges and other campus units. This is the 15th anniversary of the award.

MEDIA CONTACT: Sarah Bildstein Wanzer | School of Global Studies and Partnerships | 405-744-6179 |

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