OSU sets up voluntary temperature-check stations on campus
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Oklahoma State University is committed to maintaining students’ health and safety
while continuing to provide quality education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The installment
of voluntary temperature-checking stations on campus is one way it’s fulfilling this
At each temperature-checking station is a thermal scanner able to read temperatures quickly from up to three feet away. The station can detect temperatures with a mask on and does not store images so students’ health and privacy are protected.
Chris Barlow, senior director of University Health, Counseling and Accessibility Services, said the scanners signify the university’s dedication to individual and public health.
“These voluntary kiosks go along with the central message we’ve had from the start
of the pandemic that if you have
any of the symptoms of COVID-19, you should be at home
taking care of yourself rather than out and about on
campus,” Barlow said. “This is just one tool within our overall
strategy in raising public health awareness and trying to limit
the spread of COVID-19.”
The 10 scanners can be found at:
Edmon Low Library — north and south entrances
Classroom Building — east entrance
North Classroom — 1st floor, center of the building
Ag Hall — 2nd floor by Success Center
Human Sciences — north end of the Great Hall
Noble Research Center — Atrium Lobby
Colvin Center — east entrance
Seretean Center — north entrance
Student Union — entrance by the ATMs