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Lots of students sit in robes and black caps while at a graduation ceremony.

OSUIT celebrates over 200 workforce-ready graduates at 230th commencement ceremony

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Media Contact: Josh Gammon | OSU Institute of Technology | 918-293-5034 |

Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology's 230th graduation ceremony recognized over 200 graduates, ready to launch their careers and elevate Oklahoma’s workforce.

The commencement took place on Dec. 13 in Covelle Hall.

Keynote speaker Joseph Hèbert, the 2023-24 Regents Distinguished Award winner, shared an inspiring message about his journey from a high school dropout to a respected academic and industry professional, proving that perseverance and lifelong learning can lead to extraordinary success.

Hèbert emphasized the importance of continuous growth and understanding, urging graduates to embrace learning throughout their lives. He shared his personal motto, Scientia, Mens, Veritas —Latin for knowledge, understanding and truth — and explained its significance:

"Through knowledge, we gain understanding, and through understanding, we learn the truth. Only then can one attain wisdom, the judicious application of knowledge, understanding and truth," Hèbert said.
The ceremony also recognized four outstanding students, one from each of OSUIT’s schools, for their exceptional achievements. Mackenzie Bechtold from the School of Arts, Sciences, & Health; Shauntel Williamson from the School of Creative and Information Technologies; Trevor Elliott from the School of Engineering & Construction Technology; and Bryce Hamman from the School of Transportation & Heavy Equipment were each acknowledged for their academic excellence and leadership.
Dr. Ronna Vanderslice, provost of OSUIT and OSU Polytech, was in attendance and congratulated the graduates on their accomplishments.

“Graduates, you are very different individuals today from the first day you began your degree program,” Vanderslice said. “Your educational journey at OSUIT has allowed you to change, grow, adapt and persevere. Today, we celebrate you for making it all the way through the finish line.”

The commencement ceremony served as a reminder of OSUIT’s commitment to the OSU system’s polytechnic and land-grant missions, preparing students for successful careers and lives dedicated to service, integrity, and the values embodied in the Cowboy Code.

As they begin their careers, they will play an essential role in strengthening Oklahoma’s economy while embodying the values of hard work, responsibility and community.