OSU educational technology faculty and students recognized at international conference
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Faculty and students in the Oklahoma State University educational technology program were recognized with four awards at the 2019 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) international conference held last month in Las Vegas, Nevada. As the top organization for the field of educational technology, AECT includes educators, instructional designers and professionals who provide leadership and advise policy makers in order to sustain a continuous effort to enrich teaching and learning.
Dr. Tutaleni Asino, assistant professor of educational technology and director of OSU’s Emerging Technologies and Creativity Research Laboratory, received the organization’s second highest honor, the Special Service Award. This award honors individuals who have provided singular/signature service to AECT as a whole, or to one of its programs, divisions or other association activity. Asino is actively involved in AECT’s international initiatives, having facilitated affiliation agreements with eLearning Africa and e/Merge Africa. He has served in prominent leadership roles within the organization, including three-year presidential appointments for the Graduate Student Assembly and the Culture, Learning and Technology Division. Additionally, Asino created the Emerging Technology Showcase, which has become an annual event at the AECT conference. The interactive event invites participants to share their experiences with the latest tools and technologies for teaching and learning.

Dr. Susan Stansberry, professor of educational technology, received a Reviewer’s Excellence Award from the editors of the Educational Technology Research and Development scholarly journal. Stansberry and her team of doctoral students were also recognized with the Best Conference Proposal Award for AECT’s Learner Engagement Division for their presentation, “Engaging Your Students in Inter-disciplinary Design Challenges through NASA NSPACE Activities.” The NASA STEM Pathway Activities Consortium for Education (NSPACE) creates science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities for under-represented students in grades kindergarten through college. The OSU College of Education, Health and Aviation is currently supporting STEM activities at Johnson Space Center through a $25 million NASA grant. In addition to Stansberry, presenters included John Davis, Brandon Hargis, Lakita Lowe, Arturo Sanchez, Evett Turner, Stacey Welch and Karen Wilson.

Frances Alvarado- Albertorio, educational technology doctoral student, received the Smaldino and Herring Leadership Award for AECT’s Teacher Education Division. This award recognized those who have shown the potential for leadership within teacher education and who have a record of high-quality professional activities related to the educational technology field and teacher education.
“Oklahoma State had a fantastic showing,” said Dr. Kalianne Neumann, assistant professor of educational technology. “Overall, we had all four of our educational technology faculty as well as 18 doctoral students attend and present. Attending and presenting at a national research conference like this provides great exposure and experience for our students.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Eng |405-744-8320 |rachel.eng@okstate.edu