College Forms Relationship with Vietnam’s Dong Nai University
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Partnership furthers international teaching and research impact
In October 2014, the OSU College of Education and Dong Nai University (DNU), the largest teaching college in Vietnam, signed a memorandum of understanding, signaling a commitment to work together on teaching and research activities. This spring, multiple exchange projects are developing through the College of Education’s International Office.
“This collaboration is a fantastic opportunity for the College of Education to expand
our international teaching and research impact with this leading university in Vietnam,”
Dr. John Romans, Interim Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies and Outreach,
said. “Ms. Vallory Vencill, our International Coordinator, has been instrumental in bringing
these activities to life as conceptualized by Dr. Steve Wanger and Mr. Ky Le.”
The relationship between OSU and DNU has grown out of work initiated by Steve Wanger,
associate professor in educational leadership, and OSU Ph.D. student Ky Le. Le serves
as the director of Dong Nai’s English teaching program. His research focus is on higher
education in Southeast Asia.
In April, OSU School administration faculty Kathy Curry and Lou Sabina are slated
to travel to Vietnam to teach two short-term courses to more than 100 school administrators
there. Curry will lead the course for secondary administrators and Sabina for Pre-K
school leaders.
Plans are also underway for the College of Education to host 20 English teaching faculty
from DNU on the Stillwater campus in July. The DNU faculty will participate in an
English teaching methodology class led by associate professor Elvira Sanatullova-Allison.
DNU faculty will have the opportunity to observe literacy classes and participate
in cultural activities as well.
Preparations are also underway for a four-week visit by DNU administrators to OSU
in 2016. The program will focus on higher education administration in the U.S., evaluating
faculty teaching and expanding higher education development in Vietnam.