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Senior of Significance Skyla Clift Continues Family Legacy at OSU

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

As a three-time Oklahoma State legacy, Skyla Clift from Amarillo, Texas, didn’t have a hard decision when it came to choosing a University even though it meant leaving all she knew behind.

 “My dad, sister and an uncle had all come to school here, so when I was looking at schools, I was around OSU, homecoming and athletics, and I decided this is where I needed to be,” Clift said. “When you come from out of state, you’re leaving everything you know behind you – your friends and family, and you’re picking up and starting over. You can’t be afraid of that!”

What Clift found once she landed in Stillwater was much more than she expected.

 “One thing about Oklahoma State is that it so easy to get involved, build new relationships, start that new family and help you find your new normal. There are so many ways to meet people. And, it’s not about meeting people so you can recognize them on campus; it’s meeting people so they can be there for you and be a part of your life.”

Clift realized the true impact of those relationships when she lost both her parents in a car wreck during her sophomore year.

 “My best OSU experience isn’t really a happy one. When the memorial service happened there were two full buses that drove down from Stillwater filled with my friends…they wanted to be there to support me,” Clift explained. “It made coming back to school that much easier because I had so many people to be there for me and help me start to rebuild.”

Choosing OSU was also made easy because she was interested in a unique major - athletic training.

“Growing up I was involved in a lot of sports and I was hurt a lot, so I saw the medical side of it,” Clift said. “My mother was involved in medicine so athletic training combined two of my passions together and I never looked back.”

The rigorous and highly competitive program proved to be a perfect fit for Clift.

 “My advisor, Todd Snethen, has worked wonders to help me get where I am. Also, Dr. (Jenn) Volberding is my program coordinator and she’s helping me now as I search for jobs and track down references. She is a wealth of information and so incredibly helpful,” Clift said.

Although Clift experienced extreme tragedy during her time at OSU and was faced with the challenges of a difficult major, she has excelled academically and remained active in campus organizations. Her hard work and perseverance has earned her a spot in the university’s coveted Seniors of Significance and a top 10 senior in the College of Education.

“Skyla contributes to any initiative that she pursues in an effort to have a meaningful experience as well as a strong outcome,” said Snethen said.“It is such a joy working with her, and it is students like her that remind me daily why I do the job that I do.”

Clift is currently applying for graduate assistantships and graduate school in hopes of achieving a masters’ degree. She ultimately plans to work for a university athletic program.

“I want to travel and be a part of a team as they win or they lose and be a part of the medical side that I enjoy so much.”