Teacher Feature: Melynee Naegele
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Melynee Naegele graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Special Education and in 2015 with a Master of Science in Teaching, Learning and Leadership, option in K-8 mathematics. A 16-year teaching veteran, Naegele currently teaches special education mathematics at Will Rogers Junior High School in Claremore, Oklahoma.

How did your time at OSU prepare you to be a successful teacher?
The knowledge I gained at Oklahoma State equipped me with best practices in establishing
a positive classroom climate where all students feel safe, valued, heard and considered
to be a vital part of the learning community. The relationships and community built
with students serve to remove most, if not all, obstacles in the classroom.
How have your own experiences as a student affected your approach to teaching?
I distinctly remember an algebra assignment I was working on as a student. I was struggling
with the strategies and making mistakes. I felt like I was never going to understand
the concept or complete the assignment and course successfully. This experience serves
to remind me how my students with disabilities feel when confronted with many of the
assignments they are given. This challenge encourages me to reflect on my practices
as a teacher and ways I can support students during their struggles. I share this
memory with my students, and I love letting them know that I too wrestle with math
at times. Struggling means we are learning!
What approach or strategy to you employ in your classroom?
I’ve adopted a constructivist philosophy rich in growth mindset tenets concerning
my teaching practices. Every person who enters our classroom is a learner as well
as a teacher. I employ inquiry-based instruction where students are encouraged to
discuss, collaborate, think critically and problem solve. That kind of learning ensures
students are developing a conceptual understanding of the content while also cultivating
life skills needed to be successful.
You have presented at numerous conferences, including the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics Innov8 Conference and Twitter Math Camp. What do you take away from
those opportunities?
As the Roman philosopher Seneca said, “While we teach, we learn.” Presenting at math
conferences aids in my quest to be a lifelong learner. In the process, I’ve had the
privilege of meeting and becoming friends with math leaders and innovators from all
over the world. In order for an educator to remain abreast of current research and
utilize best practices, they must have a solid professional learning community to
rely on for support and collaboration.
What advice would you give a new teacher?
It’s imperative for educators to connect with, support and challenge one another to
continue learning and developing as teachers. Educators must remain well-informed
of current research concerning learning and best practices. Earning a college degree
is only the beginning of the learning process, and the greatest teachers know that
excellence is a journey on which one never truly arrives.
What do you want others to know about education in our state?
Students are being placed in overcrowded classrooms and many of their needs are going
unmet because schools don’t have the resources to purchase curriculum and hire additional
teachers, counselors and support staff. Education in Oklahoma needs to be adequately
funded so our children have a viable future in a STEM driven world. I want more for
our children, and I hope that others do too.
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Eng |405-744-8320 |rachel.eng@okstate.edu