The ConocoPhillips Lecture Series in Chemical Engineering Oklahoma State University is proud to announce Dr. Michael Prince as its featured speaker for April 11 and 12.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Dr. Prince was actively involved in establishing Bucknell University’s Teaching and Learning Center and works extensively with the center to support faculty development efforts. His educational accomplishments have been recognized with several awards. In 2012 he was awarded the Robert L. Rooke Professorship in Engineering at Bucknell. He also received the Hutchison Medal from the Institution of Chemical Engineers in 2009, Bucknell University’s Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2008 and was honored in 2004 with the American Society of Engineering Education’s Mid-Atlantic Section Outstanding Teaching Award.
The ConocoPhillips Lecture Series was started in 1967 to celebrate and stimulate advances in engineering education. Continuing our tradition, we annually honor a senior faculty member, who has contributed significantly to engineering education. This annual event is the highlight of the Chemical Engineering seminar program at Oklahoma State University. Visit for more information about this series, and to access past education lectures.