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Free smoke alarms and alert equipment for Oklahomans who are hearing impaired

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Oklahoma Assistive Technology Foundation (OkAT) has been awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to install smoke alarms and alert equipment in the homes of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. OkAT partners with Oklahoma ABLE Tech, Fire Protection Publications, and Fire Service Training at Oklahoma State University to offer this free program to Oklahomans. 

Program Features: 

  • Install smoke alarms and alert equipment in the home 
  • Equipment will include a bed shaker and very loud, low-frequency bedside alert signal; and, in some homes, a strobe light to alert individuals who are deaf in the event of a fire 
  • Plan a home fire drill 
  • Assist with a home safety survey to prevent fires, burns, falls, and other common home injuries 

Who Is Eligible? 

Individuals of all ages with a documented hearing impairment (deaf or hard of hearing), who reside in Oklahoma. 

To qualify, applicants must provide proof of disability along with their completed application. 

How Do You Apply? 

Submit your application online at: 

What is the ABLE Act?

ABLE Act: Achieving a Better Life Experience

Individuals can now utilize the ABLE Act savings plan to help purchase assistive technology. With such few funding options available for adults to assist with the purchase of AT, the ABLE Act allows family members to contribute without penalizing the individual’s benefits. Along with an ABLE Account, individuals can also take advantage of ABLE Tech’s bank loan program to obtain needed AT. This is a great way to combine funding resources to make purchasing AT an achievable goal.

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