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Faculty, Staff and Student Awards Information

Friday, January 20, 2017


CONGRATULATIONS to the 2017 College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Faculty and Staff Award Nominees!

Amanda Lowe

Amy Echo-Hawk

Andrew Arena

Arvind Santhanakrishnan

Ashlee Ford Versypt

Awilda Rodriguez

Ben Champlin

Brittany Belli

Carolyn Sanders

Chaoyue Zhao

Chelsea Robinson

College IT Staff

Collin Boettcher

Craig Hannan

Danielle Bellmer

Ed Kirtley

Ehsan Moallem

Eng. Dist. Ed.

Erin Portman

Feng Lu


James Kidd

Jean Kerr-Hunter

Jessica Ley

Jingtong Hu

Jon Worden

Kelly Naas

Khaled Sallam

Kristie Newby

Lori Johnson

Mary Muth

Michael Hinkston

Michelle Redmond

Mike Melancon

Misty Daniels

O&E Team

Terry Collins


Prem Bikkina

Raman Singh

Ranji Vaidyanathan

Roshan Revankar

Sayeed Mohammad

Scott Walker

Stan Carroll

Steve George

Susan Ramsey

Virginia Charter

Yoko Speight

Young Chang















Banquet will be held Friday, April 14. More details to follow.




The faculty award will encourage faculty to build and maintain a foundation of excellent teaching, scholarly activities and research. 


  1. CEAT will annually recognize a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) faculty members from the college. The awards listed in this category are: CEAT Excellent Teacher Award, CEAT Outstanding Faculty Award and CEAT Outstanding Research Award.
  2. Recipients from this category that have been awarded during the preceding five (5) years are not eligible to receive the award.
  3. Nominations of a faculty member may be made by any member of the faculty or staff of the college. Each nomination must be restricted to no more than one (1) page of information. This page should include direct evidence of the nominee’s qualities. Two (2) additional pages may be included as support letters and/or other materials the nominator wants the selection committee to consider. All material in excess of the three (3) pages limit will be ignored.
  4. Only one nomination will be considered for a person in one year. If multiple nominations are received for one individual, the nominations will be returned to the nominators to work together on a single nomination.
  5. The selection of the recipient will be by the awards selection committee. The selection committee will consist of one (1) representative from each of the following CEAT areas: Faculty Council, Research Council, Academic Council, Outreach Council, Executive Council, Staff Representative and College Administration (Dean, Associate Deans and Assistant Dean).
  6. At the selection committee meeting, all committee members will compare evaluations and decided on an overall recipient. Majority rule vote will rule if a unanimous decision cannot be reached.


  1. At the designated faculty and staff awards banquet each year, the recipient will be announced. Attendance of the recipient is preferred but not mandatory.
  2. The recipient will receive a certificate of award and a monetary award of $5,000.



The faculty and/or staff awards are to recognize individuals or teams who have made a notable contribution to CEAT’s vision and mission for the previous year.


  1. CEAT will annually recognize between one to three (1-3) staff, or faculty member(s) as individuals or one to five (1-5) members of a team. The awards listed in this category are: CEAT Dean’s Leadership Excellence Award, CEAT Outstanding Team Achievement Award and CEAT Outreach Excellence Award.
  2. Recipients of these awards during the preceding five (5) years are not eligible to receive the award.
  3. Nominations may be made by any member of the faculty or staff of the college. Each nomination must be restricted to no more than one (1) page of information. This page should include direct evidence of the nominee’s qualities. Two (2) additional pages may be included as support letters and/or other materials the nominator wants the selection committee to consider. All material in excess of the three (3) pages limit will be ignored.
  4. Only one nomination will be considered for a person or team in one year. If multiple nominations are received for one individual or one team, the nominations will be returned to the nominators to work together on a single nomination.
  5. The selection of the recipient will be by the awards selection committee. The selection committee will consist of one (1) representative from each of the following CEAT areas:  Faculty Council, Research Council, Academic Council, Outreach Council, Staff Representative, Executive Council and College Administration (Dean, Associate Deans and Assistant Dean).
  6. At the selection committee meeting, all committee members will compare evaluations and decided on an overall recipient. Majority rule vote will rule if a unanimous decision cannot be reached.


  1. At the designated Faculty and Staff Awards Banquet each year the recipient will be announced.  Attendance of the recipient is preferred but not mandatory.
  2. The recipients of the team award will receive a certificate of award.



To recognize oustanding performance among staff.


  1. The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology will annually recognize outstanding staff members at the annual awards presentation. The selection committee will review all nominations and select a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of eight (8) staff awards each year.
  2. Winners of the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Sustained Superior Performance Award during the preceding five (5) years are not eligible to receive the award. The Sustained Superior Performance award name has been changed to reflect the full scope of the staff members within CEAT and now is the Outstanding Staff Award.
  3. Nominations of a staff member may be made by any member of the faculty or staff of the College. Each nomination must be restricted to no more than three (3) pages of information. These three pages should include direct evidence of the nominee’s qualities in each of the categories listed below. The three pages may also include support letters and/or other materials the nominator wants the selection committee to consider. All materials in excess of the three pages limit will be ignored.
  4. Only one nomination will be considered for a person in one year. If multiple nominations are received for one individual, the nominations will be returned to the nominators to work together on a single nomination.


The categories in which each nominee will be evaluated are:

  1. Quality of work
  2. Quantity of work
  3. Knowledge of the job
  4. Attitude towards the job
  5. Interaction with and attitude toward other people
  6. Self improvement activities and results
  7. Ability to work with minimal supervision (self-starter)

Each category will be weighed equally.


Purpose: To recognize outstanding members of the CEAT student body.


  1. The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology will annually recognize outstanding students at the annual awards presentation. The school heads and CEAT dean will review all nominations for their specific college and select the corresponding award.
  2. Nominations of a student may be made by any member of the faculty or staff of the College. Each nomination must be restricted to no more than three (3) pages of information. These three pages should include direct evidence of the nominee’s qualities in each of the categories listed below. The three pages may also include support letters and/or other materials the nominator wants the selection committee to consider. All materials in excess of the three pages limit will be ignored.
  3. Only one nomination will be considered for a person in one year. If multiple nominations are received for one individual, the nominations will be returned to the nominators to work together on a single nomination.


  1. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding Senior Award
    1. (for fall, spring, or summer undergraduate grads of that academic year)
    2. Chosen from outstanding school senior nominees by the Dean of CEAT
  2. CEAT Dean’s Exceptional Leadership Senior Award
    1. (for fall, spring, or summer undergraduate grads of that academic year)
    2. Chosen from outstanding school senior nominees by the Dean of CEAT.
  3. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding MAE Senior (chosen by school)
  4. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding ECE Senior (chosen by school)
  5. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding IEM Senior (chosen by school)
  6. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding CivE Senior (chosen by school)
  7. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding ChemE Senior (chosen by school)
  8. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding BAE Senior (chosen by school)
  9. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding SOA Senior (chosen by school)
  10. CEAT Dean’s Outstanding DET Senior (chosen by school)

Previous Winners

 2011   Jillian Conaghan  Jana Moore Karla Sisco Doug Enns
 2012   Casey Ward  Toni Connelly Mike Sturzenbecker Ann Moffat
 2013   Delpha Whitefield  Sharon Green Kristi Wheeler William Holloway
 2014   N/A      
 2015   Alex LeGrant  Clint Clausing Paula Kendrick Kimberly Nolting
 2016   Shelly Potter  Meghan Hughes Paddy Metcalf Amanda Williams

Award recipients from the past five years may not be nominated again this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Lowe at