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CEAT Students Elected to NAESC

Friday, May 18, 2018

Released on behalf of the National Association of Engineering Student Councils.

It is with great pride that the National Association of Engineering Student Councils (NAESC) has elected Oklahoma State University students Jennifer Litchfield and Jordan Chancellor as members of the 2018-2019 Central Regional Leadership. We are excited to see how NAESC will grow under Jennifer and Jordan’s leadership as the Recruitment and Information Management Coordinators of our organization.

NAESC is the overarching organization for over fifty participating college councils from across the nation. The entirely student-led nonprofit serves to increase collaboration and communication between top engineering student leaders, and to improve individual councils.

Through NAESC, students are given the opportunity to establish their professional accountability by attending regular meetings, visiting prestigious universities across the country for regional and national conferences, and by leading projects with other students across the nation. Not only does NAESC provide networking with student leaders, corporate sponsors, and active NAESC alumni, but it boasts connections with similar international organizations such as the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students, the Board of European Students of Technology, and the European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management.

The diversity in backgrounds that this year's’ Executive Leadership Team offers NAESC is cause for excitement, and we are proud for the insight that they will bring to our organization. Please offer your congratulations to the newly elected NAESC officers!

Jennifer is a sophomore double majoring in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Political Science. When she's not in class or volunteering with StuCo, she likes to play intramurals, SCUBA dive, and water ski. She was selected as being the most outstanding freshman council member her first semester. As an ambassador for the College of Engineering at Oklahoma State, Jennifer helps recruit the next generation of academic talent to the university. After graduation, she hopes to continue her education and earn her master's degree.

Jordan Chancellor is a sophomore at Oklahoma State University pursuing a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Physics. He plans on pursuing a career in astronautical engineering, with a focus on aeroacoustics. His is currently an undergraduate research assistant with USRI, and is also an officer in the OSU chapter of AIAA. In his free time, he enjoys music, hiking, Game of Thrones, and Cowboy football/basketball.