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Jeffrey Young Selected for Board

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jeffrey L. Young, OSURF Endowed Chair of Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering Head, was selected as a member of the Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) Engineering Science External Review Board. The Board provides assessment and advice to the Sandia Chief Research Officer, Sandia Engineering Sciences Director, and Senior Manager of the Sandia Research Foundation on matters pertaining to the engineering mission and programs of SNL Research Foundation. The board consists of ten members who hold significant leadership positions at the University of Texas (Austin), University of Tennessee Space Institute, Raytheon Missile Systems, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Georgia Institute of Technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of California (Irvine), Air Force Research Laboratory, and NASA Langley Research Center. Prof. Young’s four year term started April 1, 2018. His primary contribution to the board will be to provide expert engineering and science advice on electromagnetic systems, devices, testing, and simulation.