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OSU CEAT Student Wins Nationally Competitive Scholarship

Thursday, April 19, 2018

STILLWATER, Okla. – Shinhyu Kang, Ph.D student and graduate research assistant in the OSU school of civil and environmental engineering, has been selected by the American Coal Ash Association Educational Foundation to receive the David C. Goss Scholarship in the amount of $5,000. Kang has also been invited to attend the ACAA Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 2‐3, 2018.

This scholarship is for students who have an interest in advancing the beneficial use of coal combustion products. The award is based on essays, coursework, academic credentials, recommendations and a demonstrated interest in the utilization of coal combustion products.

“My research mainly focuses on two things,” said Kang. “One is to investigate the characteristics of fly ash, a type of coal-ash, at the macroscopic and microscopic level to provide a more fundamental understanding of fly ash. The second is to predict the performances of fly ash in concrete by developing a simple and effective test method.

“The David C. Goss Scholarship from ACAAEF will be a good catalyst to enhance my enthusiasm for further coal-ash studies,” continued Kang. “For me, coal-ash is not just a ‘waste’ material but it is like a pearl covered with mud. I think coal-ash has immense potential to use for various purposes. I find this award clearly shows that my research is valuable to realize this potential and will contribute to increase usage of coal-ash in more effective ways.”

The ACAA’s mission is to advance the management and use of coal combustion products in ways that are environmentally responsible, technically sound, commercially competitive, and supportive of a sustainable global community. They achieve this by hosting workshops, symposia and many other industry gatherings to promote understanding and facilitate connections, according to their website. Every two years the ACAA co-hosts the industry's most prominent event, The World of Coal Ash, with participants from about 30 countries.

“The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is very pleased to congratulate [Kang] on the David C. Goss Scholarship,” said Norb Delatte, M.R. Lohmann Endowed Professor of Engineering and head of CIVE. “It is a tribute to the quality of our students and of the mentorship provided by Dr. Tyler Ley that Kang’s was the winning submission. It also highlights our program’s strong efforts and accomplishments in concrete material research.”

RELEASE CONTACT: Kylie Fanning | CEAT Marketing | 405-744-2745 |

Oklahoma State University is a modern land-grant university that prepares students for success. OSU has more than 35,000 students across its five-campus system and more than 24,000 on its combined Stillwater and Tulsa campuses, with students from all 50 states and around 120 nations. Established in 1890, Oklahoma State has graduated more than 240,000 students who have been serving the state of Oklahoma, the nation and the world.
