OSU's College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology ranks one of best for drone testing
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
3D Insider ranked The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology (CEAT) at Oklahoma State University in the top 5 for best colleges for drone testing.
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems specialization is a multi-disciplinary research and education program in CEAT at OSU. Originally part of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the program has expanded to encompass many other departments across campus, including Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Geography, Geology, the Environmental Graduate Studies Program and Plant and Soil Sciences.
The UAS program provides students with a recognized emphasis in instruction and research
in the area of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and supplies students with hands-on analysis,
design, construction and flight-testing of UAS platforms. Students working in UAS
at OSU will work on projects that include flight-testing and operations conducted
at OSU UAS airfields in Stillwater and in partnership with the University Multispectral
Laboratories. Research opportunities include UAS Design, Aerodynamics, Flight Path Management and Airspace Integration, Sense and
Avoid, Controls, Structures, Aeroacoustics, Propulsion, Communications and Operations,
and Sensors and Payloads.
OSU hosts unique events such as Speedfest and the Unmanned Airspace Innovation Challenge
each year that make OSU stand out.
For more information about the CEAT’s UAV program visit:
For more information about the ranking visit: https://3dinsider.com/drone-college/
Media Contact: Media Contact: Kristi Wheeler | CEAT Marketing and Communications | 405-744-5831 | kristi.wheeler@okstate.edu