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OSU Health Access Network provides extra support for those in need

Thursday, December 15, 2016

As a registered nurse and case manager for the OSU Health Access Network, Leslie Brown is the ultimate example of what the service was established to do.

Some might say she goes the extra mile for her clients, but she says her job is help people get the health care and community services they need.

“I am grateful to have a career in which it is my daily goal to help people stay healthy,” Brown said.

OSU Health Access Network  (OSU HAN) was established to provide case management and care coordination, improve access to specialty care and expand the quality of medical care for members of SoonerCare Choice, a state health coverage program to help low-income people pay their medical bills.

Recently, Brown helped a local woman get treatment for her multiple medical needs as well as her social needs.

She put the woman in touch with the Salvation Army which will help her provide a Christmas for her family and helped her apply for assistance in paying utility bills. In addition, she arranged a road trip to Oklahoma City with SoonerRide so that the woman’s daughter could obtain needed treatment from a pediatric liver specialist.

“We all are committed to arranging and providing the best health care and community services available for people in need,” Brown said. “That is what we at OSU HAN are all about.”

OSU HAN receives referrals from primary care physicians and specialists at OSU Physicians clinics for patients who need extra help.

Case managers, who are also registered nurses, locate and coordinate medical and community services that their clients need to stay healthy. They work with patients to develop individualized health care plans and educate patients to help them gain the confidence, knowledge and tools needed to play an active role in managing and maintaining their health care.

In addition, OSU HAN works with the OSU Center for Health Systems Innovation to provide SoonerCare Choice providers the data analysis that can enhance their health care delivery practice.

For more information about OSU HAN, visit the website or call 918-561-1155.