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Folsom Receives Prestigious Continuing Ed Award from AgriLabs

Folsom Receives Prestigious Continuing Ed Award from AgriLabs

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cattle veterinarian, Dr. J. D. Folsom of Rexburg, Idaho, recently received a $5,000 Dr. Bruce Wren Continuing Education award. AgriLabs presented two of these prestigious awards during the 2016 American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) Annual Conference held in Charlotte, N.C.

These annual awards honor Bruce Wren, DVM, PhD, a long-time AgriLabs technical services veterinarian, in recognition of his lifelong commitment to practical and formal continuing education for veterinarians. A $5,000 continuing education grant is given to one dairy veterinarian and one beef veterinarian who are involved in a veterinary practice and have graduated veterinary school within the last 10 years. Each grant makes possible professional continuing education proposed by the applicant.

Folsom earned his DVM degree from Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences in 2015. To better serve his clients, Folsom sees the need to become certified in embryo transfer. He will work to obtain his certification through the American Embryo Transfer Association (AETA), hold an internship with an AETA-certified veterinarian and participate in the AABP beginning embryo transfer seminar. With his certification and hands-on experience with professionals in the field, he will reach his goal of serving his clients with more than 45,000 beef cattle.

Besides being a young practitioner, applicants must specifically outline the type of continuing education they are seeking, its approximate costs and the benefits it will provide to the applicant, his/her practice and the practice’s clients. An awards committee from AABP undertakes the selection process. For more information, visit the AABP website.