Reichard named 2019 Regents Distinguished Teacher
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Mason Reichard, MS, Ph.D., professor of veterinary parasitology, received the 2019 Regents Distinguished Teaching Award for the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
“Being selected for a Regents Distinguished Teaching Award is a little overwhelming to say the least,” Reichard said. “To be recognized among a group of peers, who work as hard as we do, who are as dedicated as we are to creating the next generation of veterinarians, is very much an honor. The recognition is humbling and motivating. It has compelled me to work even harder to keep doing the best job I can to provide the best educational experience that I can for our students.”
Reichard came to Oklahoma State’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 1999 as a Ph.D. graduate student and never left becoming an assistant professor in 2004.
“Without a doubt, the thing I like most about teaching is the students,” he said. “They are absolutely fascinating to work with. I’m pretty confident I learn just as much from them as they do from me. I find it quite rewarding to see them evolve over their four years in our professional, rigorous curriculum. I take a considerable amount of pride and satisfaction knowing that I helped shape them by giving them some information and tools to help them be successful and reach their goals.”
Originally from St. Louis, Michigan, Reichard earned his bachelor’s degree from Central Michigan University and his master’s degree from Northern Michigan University before coming to OSU for his Ph.D.
“I decided I wanted to work in veterinary parasitology sometime around graduate school in Michigan,” said Reichard. “There wasn’t one particular person or event that influenced that decision but I have no doubt that all my college professors helped foster and solidify that decision.
“My favorite memory from teaching so far is the first class I ever taught. When I reflect back, I realize how bad it was and how much I learned from it. It really helped shape who I am now and how much better I do things. My advice to young faculty members is to listen and be adaptable. Listen to what the students say and to feedback from other professors and be willing to adapt. What you did for one class doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to work for the next class.
“I hope I’m remembered as a good dude; somebody who really cared about students, wanted to make a difference and was really dedicated to what he did. I’m grateful to work at a professional school that values teaching and I thank Oklahoma State University and the College of Veterinary Medicine for giving me the opportunity to teach.”
A selection committee comprised of students, faculty and academic administrators chooses the Regents Distinguished Teaching Award recipients who must demonstrate significant and meritorious achievement in the instruction of students.
MEDIA CONTACT: Derinda Blakeney, APR | OSU College of Veterinary Medicine | 405-744-6740 |