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OSU-CHS' HCA master's program earns another top five ranking

Fri, Mar 10, 2023

The School of Health Care Administration master’s program has recently been ranked No. 4 in the 2023 Best Online Master’s Programs in Health Care Administration from

OSU School of Health Care AdministrationOSU Center for Health Sciencesgraduate programsBest Online Programs rankingsOSU-CHSAwards and Rankings
Athletic training student working with storied OSU wrestling program

Fri, Mar 03, 2023

Cheyann Sales, who will graduate from OSU Center for Health Sciences’ Master of Athletic Training program in May, is completing her final clinical rotation with Cowboy wrestling.

Athletic TrainingOklahoma State University AthleticsCowboy Wrestlinggraduate programsAthleticsOSU-CHSOSU Center for Health Sciences
OSU’s HCA program ranked in top 5 for online master’s health care degrees

Fri, Nov 11, 2022

OSU Center for Health Sciences’ Health Care Administration degree program has been ranked fourth in the country for online health care degrees by website for its overall quality, affordability and commitment to student success.

Best Online Programs rankingsOSU-CHSOSU School of Health Care AdministrationAwards and RankingsOSU Center for Health Sciencesgraduate programs
Forensic Sciences lab brings closure to families through DNA identification

Thu, Sep 22, 2022

The School of Forensic Sciences’ Human Identity Testing Laboratory at OSU Center for Health Sciences works with national and international coroners and medical examiners to help identify human remains and bring closure to families.

OSU School of Forensic SciencesOSU-CHSOSU Center for Health Sciencesgraduate programs
New Forensic Sciences doctorate degree to help advance those in the field

Wed, Sep 14, 2022

The School of Forensic Sciences now offers a Doctorate in Forensic Sciences degree, or DFS, in addition to its Ph.D. in Forensic Sciences program.

doctorateOSU School of Forensic Sciencesgraduate programsOSU-CHSOSU Center for Health Sciences
OSU-CHS ‘natural fit’ for paleontology student Forrest LaFleur

Wed, Sep 07, 2022

LaFleur is studying the neural anatomy of prehistoric crocodylia, the ancient ancestors of modern day crocodiles and alligators. He also serves as the graduate student representative on the OSU-CHS Alumni Board, vice president of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Association and national liaison for the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science.

OSU School of Biomedical SciencesOSU Center for Health SciencesAlumnigraduate programsOSU-CHSPaleontology
New anatomy, neuroanatomy labs major upgrade for students and faculty

Fri, Aug 19, 2022

As part of the new North Hall building on the OSU Center for Health Sciences campus, medical and graduate students now have access to new, modern anatomy and neuroanatomy labs that greatly expand the available space of the former lab.

graduate programsOSU-CHSCollege of Osteopathic MedicineOSU Center for Health Sciences
Physician Assistant program looks back at first year, welcomes new class

Mon, Jul 11, 2022

OSU-CHS launched a PA program in 2021. A physician assistant, or PA, is a health care professional who can diagnose illness, develop and manage treatment plans and prescribe medications after completing thousands of hours of medical training. They practice in every medical setting and specialty.

OSU-CHSPhysician AssisantOSU Center for Health Sciencesgraduate programs
Forensic Sciences student named IAAI Investigator of the Year

Wed, Jun 01, 2022

Nicole Brewer, a 26-year veteran of Portland Fire & Rescue and student at OSU Center for Health Sciences School of Forensic Sciences, was recently named the 2022 Investigator of the Year by the International Association of Arson Investigators.

OSU School of Forensic Sciencesgraduate programsOSU-CHSOSU Center for Health Sciences
OSU-CHS adds doctorate in Health Care Administration degree

Fri, May 20, 2022

The School of Health Care Administration at OSU Center for Health Sciences is the largest graduate program at Oklahoma State University with about 500 people enrolled in the school. And it will keep growing with the addition of a doctorate in Health Care Administration degree program.

OSU School of Health Care AdministrationOSU Center for Health SciencesOSU-CHSgraduate programsdoctorate
USRI and IGEHM join forces to battle ongoing issue

Tue, May 03, 2022

The Unmanned Systems Research Institute (USRI) has partnered with the OSU Institute for Global Explosive Hazard Mitigation (IGEHM), a worldwide institute led by the OSU Center for Fire and Explosives, Forensic Investigation, Training and Research (CENFEX).

Unmanned Systems Research Institutegraduate programsForensicsOSU-CHSCollege of Engineering Architecture and Technology
Faculty Spotlight: Joshua Muia, Ph.D.

Mon, Apr 18, 2022

Spotlighting Joshua Muia, Ph.D., an assistant professor of biochemistry in the OSU-CHS School of Biomedical Sciences. Muia's ADAMTS enzyme research was awarded a $1.67 million NIH research grant last year.

Faculty ResearchOSU School of Biomedical SciencesOSU-CHSOSU Center for Health Sciencesgraduate programs