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First Oklahoma Irrigation Conference scheduled Aug. 19

Friday, August 1, 2014

There is no better learning opportunity than experience and brainstorming ideas from those with similar experiences.

That is the thought process behind the first Oklahoma Irrigation Conference, slated Aug. 19 at the Caddo-Kiowa Technology Center, Building 400, in Fort Cobb, Oklahoma. Registration beings at 9 a.m. and the conference follows at 9:30 a.m.

“David Nowlin, the Extension educator from Caddo County, came up with the idea of organizing such a conference to fill the gap and provide producers with an opportunity to learn from their peers’ experience, interact with irrigation dealers and consulting companies, and find out about research and Extension activities being conducted at OSU,” said Saleh Taghvaeian, assistant Extension specialist in Oklahoma State University’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. “A local irrigation conference can be very beneficial for all stakeholders to learn about each other’s needs and concerns and to coordinate efforts toward a more efficient use of our scarce water resources.”

While the conference is open to the public, much of the material is geared for agricultural producers. Topics to be covered include avoiding making mistakes when installing a pivot system, using moisture sensors to schedule irrigation and how the Oklahoma Water Resources Board 50-year water plan will affect farmers.

“We are hoping to learn more about major issues producers are currently dealing with, but some of them include meeting crop water requirements when surface and groundwater resources are declining rapidly and proper design and installation of irrigation system,” said Taghvaeian.

Discussion also will take place about cell phone apps for running a pivot/well and current water issues affecting cotton producers. In addition, 16 exhibitors representing state agencies and private entities will be available at to discuss irrigation related issues with participants.

Certified Crop Advisors can receive four Continuing Education Units in the Soil and Water Management category.

The cost to attend the conference is $15 and is payable at the door. Attendees can register by visiting

Contact the Caddo County Extension office for more information.