‘Premier canola event for 2014’ set for Enid
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Agricultural producers interested in learning how to maximize their canola production should register now to attend the Feb. 13 Canola College in Enid.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn from and speak with leading experts in the field, and interact with more than 300 new or veteran canola producers and industry members,” said Ron Sholar, Great Plains Canola Association (GPCA) executive director. “This will be the premier canola education and training event in the region for 2014.”
Canola College is a joint effort of GPCA, Oklahoma State University’s Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Kansas State University and cooperating partners in the canola industry.
The 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. conference will take place at the Chisholm Trail EXPO Center, located at 111 W. Purdue St. on the north side of Enid. There is no cost to attend. Registration is available online at http://www.canola.okstate.edu via the division website.
“Although participants can register at the door, we ask everyone to pre-register as soon as possible because it greatly aids our planning and helps ensure that sufficient numbers of conference materials, refreshments and meals are on hand,” said Josh Bushong, OSU Cooperative Extension canola specialist.
Bushong said lunch and refreshments are being provided free-of-charge to participants, thanks to the generous sponsorship of canola industry members.
“There will be four concurrent breakout sessions and participants will have opportunity to hear from every expert taking part in a particular session,” he said.
Sessions will focus on basic production practices, advanced production practices, starter fertilizer, insect control, weed control, residue management and harvesting management.
“Canola College provides value, whether you’re a grower, crop insurance agent, member of an agricultural government agency or a canola service or product provider,” Sholar said. “A key benefit of attending is the opportunity to visit with industry partners who provide the equipment, products and services needed to produce the crop.”
Canola acreage for the region has increased dramatically since 2010. Estimates indicate there are approximately 400,000 acres planted in the southern Great Plains states this year.
Anyone seeking additional information about the Feb. 13 Canola College should contact Bushong by email at josh.bushong@okstate.edu or by phone at 405-744-9600, or Sholar by email at jrsholar@aol.com or by phone at 405-780-0113.