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Quail Symposium and fundraiser slated Aug. 23 in Oklahoma City

Friday, August 8, 2014

Quail have been few and far between throughout the past few years. However, an upcoming event has been scheduled for land managers and quail hunters interested in having more of the birds on their property

Oklahoma State University has partnered with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) and Quail Forever to host the Oklahoma Quail Symposium Aug. 23. The daylong event will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and will continue at the Crowne Plaza hotel by Northwest Expressway and May Avenue in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

“The symposium will cover topics such as quail habitat management, cost share opportunities for landowners, an update on the latest research in Oklahoma and information about quail management activities on wildlife management areas,” said Dwayne Elmore, OSU Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist.

Elmore will give a presentation titled “Coveys and Cattle: Using Land to Produce Both Beef and Bobwhites.” Other OSU experts and specialists from ODWC, the National Resource Conversation Service, Quail Forever and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department also will lead discussions during the symposium.

Cost to attend the event is $20, which includes lunch. Following the symposium will be the Quail Forever 9th Annual Fundraising Banquet at 5:30 p.m.

The banquet dinner will feature prizes, auctions and entertainment. Tickets for the banquet are $60, which includes membership to Quail Forever. A special prize of $70 is offered to those quail enthusiasts who choose to attend both the symposium and the banquet dinner.

To register for either event, call 405-415-5724, email or visit the website at