Register now to attend July 28 Cattle Trails Wheat and Stocker Conference in Lawton
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Cattle producers looking to pick up the latest information about maximizing livestock and wheat resources under variable and sometimes volatile weather and market conditions should register now to attend the July 28 Cattle Trails Wheat and Stocker Conference in Lawton.
The annual conference is a joint effort between the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, with the intent of helping producers drive their operations toward profit.
Marty New, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension area livestock specialist, said wheat and stocker operators should look upon the conference as “one-stop shopping.”\
“The most up-to-date information about key subjects will be presented,” he said, “plus participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of and interact with some of the region’s premier cattle-management experts, as well as other producers who are in positions similar to them.”
The July 28 conference – which alternates between Oklahoma and Texas each year – will take place from 8 a.m. to a little after 2 p.m. at the Comanche County Fairgrounds’ Great Plains Coliseum, located at 920 SW Sheridan Rd. in Lawton.
Registration is $25 per participant and covers the cost of a noon meal, break refreshments and conference materials. Registration materials are available through OSU Cooperative Extension and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension county offices.
“We ask everybody to pre-register if possible,” New said. “It really does aid our planning. We try to ensure that every conference participant has the best possible experience and walks away with greater awareness and understanding of what he or she realistically can do to enhance his or her operation.”
Stan Bevers, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension agricultural economist, will lead off the day’s sessions, providing insights into what producers can expect relative to the cattle and wheat markets.
Mark Gregory, OSU Cooperative Extension area agronomist, will examine factors influencing wheat forage production.
Chris Richards, OSU Cooperative Extension beef cattle nutrition specialist, will speak about performance robbers in feed and water, and how producers can mitigate their effects.
Gant Mourer, OSU Cooperative Extension animal scientist, will showcase beef cattle value enhancement programs.
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension veterinarian Dr. Tom Hairgrove will lead the final session of the conference: A post-mortem investigation of management practices and diseases. Hairgrove serves as coordinator for the university’s livestock and food animal systems program.
Anyone seeking additional information about the July 28 conference should contact the OSU Cooperative Extension Southwest District Area Office at 580-255-0546.