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White-tailed Deer Management Workshop slated early December

Friday, November 20, 2015

Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole and rolls get the main stage for many Oklahomans during this time of year. However, there are just as many people wanting to finish up their meals and head to woods to hunt white-tailed deer.

Scheduled for Dec. 3, Oklahoma State University is hosting a White-tailed Deer Management Workshop, where land managers and hunters alike can come digest information on the most popular game species in Oklahoma. The workshop is free and will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Payne County Expo Center Community Building at the northeast intersection of state highway 51 and Fairgrounds Road.

“We have many helpful topics to discuss and would encourage anyone interested in deer management to attend,” said Dwayne Elmore, OSU Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist. “I will be there giving some presentations, along with some of my peers, but I’m most excited about meeting with land owners and helping address their specific needs.”

The first topic slated on the agenda is about food plot management. Craig Harper, from the University of Tennessee, will discuss when and what to plant for deer plots, and also explain how to manage plots. In the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to see some food plot demonstrations.

The group also will discuss range management and forest management for deer.

“Oklahoma has many different plant communities, and range and forest management are important for effective deer management,” Elmore said. “Not everyone will have both on their property, but it’s important to understand how to use practices such as timber thinning, prescribed fire and livestock to manage habitat for deer.”

The final topic of the workshop will be deer antler development. During this section attendees will learn what influences antler growth and what they can and cannot do to influence it.

While the workshop is free and open to the public, an RSVP is required. To RSVP, contact Elmore at 405-744-9636, or by email at

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