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OSU to host Prescribed Burn Field Day near Kingfisher

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Insecurities about prescribed fire will go up in smoke after Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension specialists explain the ins and outs of the practice during the Prescribed Burn Field Day March 28.

Those in attendance will learn about the equipment used during a controlled burn, safety measures to consider and the basics of creating an acceptable burn plan.

John Weir, OSU Cooperative Extension fire ecologist, said well-conducted fires in the field are the result of well-written fire plans.

“It helps us to put it down on paper and think this whole process through,” he said. “So when the day comes when we’re ready to light that fire, we’ve already thought it through and have a plan to follow to help us make the burn safe and effective to meet our goals and objectives.”

A burn plan is a written prescription for the prescribed fire including critical elements such as the weather conditions under which the burn will be conducted; number of personnel and duties of each; and the type, amount and placement of equipment needs to safely conduct the burn.

Other key elements needed for a proper burn plan are a description of the burn unit, including topography and vegetation in the unit, a list of parameters, aerial map and smoke management plan.

“Another good item to have is a ‘go, no-go’ checklist,” Weir said. “Have I called the local fire department? Yes or no? Did I call adjoining neighbors? Are the weather conditions within my description? Do I have adequate equipment?”

If the answer is no to any of these questions, then a burn should not be conducted.

“No burn plan is perfect and no two are alike because they are as different as the burn units for which they are written,” he said. “Each burn plan may require different information or planning, with some requiring more information about a specific topic than others.”

The Prescribed Burn Field Day will be located four miles south of the intersection of state highways 33 and 81, then 6.75 miles west on 0840 Road and a half-mile south on 2770 Road.

“The field day will provide great information for property owners and property managers,” Weir said. “Even if someone has conducted many burns over the years, it is always good to have a little refresher course to make sure everything is done safely and properly.”

Those interested in attending should RSVP to the Kingfisher County Extension office by calling 405-375-3822, or the Kingfisher County Natural Resources Conservation Service at 405-375-3200. The event is free and lunch will be provided.

Prescribed Burn Field Day Flyer