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OSU Summer Forages Field Day set for July 18

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Agricultural producers looking to take advantage of the latest information about forage varieties, best management practices and related smartphone technology should RSVP now to attend Oklahoma State University’s Summer Forages Field Day on July 18.

The free-of-charge field day will take place at the OSU South Central Research Station, located just east of Chickasha on 1105 E. Iowa St. On-site registration will begin at 8 a.m. with the program kicking off at 8:30 a.m. and finishing after lunch at about 1 p.m.

“If producers are to maximize forage production and livestock gain, it is vital they remain up to date about new forage options and best management practices available for pastures,” said Alex Rocateli, OSU Cooperative Extension forage systems specialist. “Profit margins for most operations are tight. Nobody is in a position to waste available resources, including time, energy and effort. The field day can help producers focus in on what may pay off best for them.”

Field day participants are asked to RSVP if possible by contacting Rocateli by email at or by phone at 405-744-9648.

“Although participants can register at the door, we ask everyone to pre-register as soon as possible because it greatly aids our planning and helps ensure that sufficient numbers of materials, refreshments and meals are on hand,” said Michael Pettijohn, research station superintendent.

Lunch and refreshments are being provided free-of-charge to field day participants, thanks to the generous sponsorship of Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma.

Heath Sanders, OSU Cooperative Extension area agronomist, will provide the latest insights related to teff management. A fine grain that originated in Africa, teff has experienced significant public interest as a so-called “superfood” in recent years, thanks to it being gluten-free, high in iron and tasty. What about its application to livestock?

“We’ve gotten questions from Oklahoma producers who are interested in possibly growing teff for forage,” Sanders said. “Teff requires less nitrogen to produce additional tonnage than most warm-season grasses. Growing teff won’t be for everyone because of its particular management considerations, but it may be a viable option for some producers given their specific operation.”

Rocateli will lead sessions about new bermudagrass varieties for Oklahoma, the GrazeOk app, forage sorghum-sudangrass varieties and pearl millet varieties.

The grazing potential and toxicity of popular cover crops will be the focus of a session led by Marty New, OSU Cooperative Extension area livestock specialist, and Kyle Horn, a graduate student in OSU’s department of plant and soil sciences.

Misha Manuchechri, OSU Cooperative Extension weed specialist, will provide the latest tips and techniques to control johnsongrass in pastures.

Brian Arnall, OSU Cooperative Extension precision nutrient management specialist, will provide the latest research-based information about the effect of fertilization and cutting or grazing height on forage yield, quality and weeds.

Anyone seeking additional information about the July 18 field day should contact Rocateli by phone or email.

The South Central Research Station in Chickasha is part of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station system, a state agency under the administration of the OSU Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

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