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Register now to attend March 7-8 No-Till Oklahoma Conference

Monday, February 13, 2017

There is still time for agricultural producers interested in exploring how no-till practices may benefit their operations to register for the March 7-8 No-Till Oklahoma Conference in Shawnee.

“No-till management has proven to be a success in most crop rotations in the Southern Plains, especially where water is the primary factor limiting crop productivity,” said Josh Lofton, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension cropping systems specialist. “Think of the conference as one-stop shopping, with discussions and educational sessions providing insights that should prove useful to beginning and experienced producers alike.”

The conference will take place at the Grand Casino Hotel and Resort in Shawnee, located at 777 Grand Casino Blvd., just north of Interstate 40. Cost is $125 per participant if registering before Feb. 17 and $150 thereafter. Cost is $75 for students if registering before Feb. 17 and $125 thereafter.

“Although we will be accepting registration at the door, we ask everyone to pre-register if possible as it greatly aids in our planning and helps ensure sufficient numbers of conference materials, meals and break refreshments are available,” Lofton said.

Registration forms and agenda information are available online at through the OSU Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

Conference sessions will be led by experienced no-till producers and agricultural specialists from industry, academia and applicable government agencies.

Session topics will include the latest science-based practices and information relative to new herbicide technologies; alternative crop management; weed and pest management; cover crops and soil health.

“Certified crop adviser credits are being offered to participants who need them,” Lofton said. “Multiple Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry credits also are being made available to participants.”

Anyone needing additional information about the March 7-8 No-Till Oklahoma Conference should contact Janelle Malone of the OSU Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at 405-744-3669.