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2018 Animal Science Weekend

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The 2018 Animal Science Weekend was held April 5th – April 8th, 2018 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. The Animal Science Weekend is held annually in the spring, providing alumni an opportunity to meet with friends, faculty, and students, as well as see the new developments happening at OSU. Animal Science Weekend consists of several events held by the OSU Department of Animal Science and the Animal Science Alumni Association.

The festivities started April 5th with the OSU Ferguson Family Dairy Center Grand Opening and Tour in celebration of the new freestall barn and Helms Hall, modern student housing. Guests included President Burns Hargis, First Cowgirl Ann Hargis, Dean Tom Coon and his wife, Rhonda, Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese, and Animal Science Department Head Clint Rusk.

The Old Timer’s Judging Contest and 15th Anniversary of the Gala Reunion was held by the Animal Science Alumni Association. The Gala Reunion honored National Champion Livestock Judging and Meat Animal Evaluation Teams, the 1967, 50-Year Livestock and Meat Judging Team, and Drs. Gerald Horn and Bob Wettemann with the Hall of Fame Chairback. The scholarship auction raised over $30,000 for student scholarships, as well as contributed to establishing an endowment for undergraduate research in honor of Drs. Gerald Horn and Bob Wettemann.

The OSU Purebred Beef Center had a packed house for the Cowboy Classic Sale. The highest selling female went to Castonguay Farms of Omega, OK for $10,000. The highest selling bull went to Townsend Brangus of Milburn, OK for $7,000. In all, the sale grossed $277,025.

The Animal Science Banquet was held at the Wes Watkins Center. OSU Department of Animal Science students were recognized and presented with scholarships at the event. Thanks to alumni support, three new scholarships were created this year; the Cline Equine Center Intern Scholarship, the Gerald W. Horn Graduate Student Endowed Fund, and the Amy Down Steward Livestock Judging Scholarship.

Students, faculty, alumni, and honorees were also presented with departmental awards. In addition, the department recognized students who received prestigious awards throughout the year. (See below for a full list of awards).

Departmental Awards

Tyler Award

Dr. Divya Jaroni

Outstanding Graduate Students:

Carson Cooper (M.S.)

Maggie Youngers (Ph.D.)

Outstanding Senior:

Julianna Albrecht

Cowboy Up Award (Undergraduate Distinguished Service):

Justin Leonard

Senior Leadership Award:

Julianna Albrecht, Jennifer Apple, Katie Friederichs, Justin Leonard, Courtney Mapes, Clay Maynard, Hannah Murphy, Taylor Neilson, Faith Onstot, Hope Onstot, Macy Perry, Alexandria Schut, and Leanne Van der Laan

Graduate of Distinction Award

Jane and Mike Dewall, Ronald Nimmo, Ron Ramming

Advanced Degree Graduate of Distinction Award

Mike Burge and David Weakly

Distinguished Service Award

Doug Hufstedler

Master Breeder Award

Albert Rutledge

Student Awards Recognized by the Department

OSU Outstanding Senior

Courtney Mapes

CASNR Seniors of Distinction

Julianna Albrecht, Courtney Mapes, Taylor Neilson, Macy Perry, and Alexandria Schut

Seniors of Significance

Emily Hart, Courtney Mapes, Taylor Neilson, and Macy Perry

Charles & Magda Browning Outstanding Freshman Award

Jordan Cowger

Top Ten Freshmen Men & Women

Jacob Burch-Konda and Cody Gingrich

Top Twenty Freshmen Men & Women

Jacob Burch-Konda, Cody Gingrich, and Grant Wilber

Animal Science Senior Scholastic Achievement Awards

Jennifer Apple, Abigail Bechtold, Mindi Bracy, Kirsten Chamberland, Jessica Eastep, Marissa Fennell, Emily Hart, Corban Hemphill, Alayna Jackson, Rebecca Janes, Serena Kline, Courtney Longhouse, Gayle Mages, Clay Maynard, Jacqueline Nichols, and Melissa Rothenay

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