Tips for wishing your home a healthy new year
Thursday, February 8, 2018
People have all sorts of New Year’s resolutions. Some want to get slimmer, some want to save more money, some want to try new experiences. Well, what about wanting a healthy home?
A home can have lots of issues that could affect a family’s health, said Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension housing and consumer specialist.
“Pests and clutter are obvious things that can impact your family’s health at home,” she said.
Giving your home a checkup is an excellent way to start the new year off right. Here are a few quick and easy tasks homeowners can complete to make their houses healthier and safer.
Cut the clutter. Take a few minutes each day to reduce clutter around the house.
Clutter gives unwanted pests a good place to hide. Cutting down on clutter also can reduce fall hazards around the house.
Another way to decrease fall hazards is to use a tape measure to check the distance between and around furniture.
Try to leave 18 inches between a coffee table and a couch or other type of seating. Meanwhile, for most people, leaving at least 32 inches around furniture and other stationary items allows for comfortable movement in kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms and other living spaces.
Keep pests out of your home. Seal up any cracks around doors and windows. Also, look under sinks and in the laundry area for any gaps around pipes and seal them up. This removes pest entry points and helps save energy, too.
Also, clean up after cooking and eating and do not let trash collect inside the house.
For more information on how to create a healthier, safer home, visit and contact the nearest county Extension office.