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Photo of young 4-H girl showing cattle.
The Ranchers’ Thursday Lunchtime teleconferences will highlight show cattle fundamentals for youth exhibitors, as well as transportation, biosecurity and other related topics. (Photo by Oklahoma Youth Expo photographer)

Ranchers’ webinars turn to youth events

Friday, January 29, 2021

The Ranchers Thursday Lunchtime series of free teleconferences launches its next round of topics 12:30 p.m. Feb. 11 with a roundtable discussion by Oklahoma Youth Expo staff about show ring success.

“This cycle of talks will deal with a unique segment of the cattle industry,” said Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, beef cattle extension specialist and continuing education director at OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “We’ll be providing information to help support youth exhibitors and their teams in cattle shows. We also want to recognize other benefits and life skills students develop as they bring their efforts to the ring. Open show cattle exhibitors that attend will also find valuable information.”

The first webinar in the series will be led by Parker Henley and Rusy Gosz, both of OSU; Tyler Norvell, Oklahoma Youth Expo president; and Kass Newell, Oklahoma Youth Expo executive vice president.

The Ranchers Thursday Lunchtime weekly series is free to the public, but registration for the Zoom webinars is required between events. They are hosted by the OSU Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

Questions and feedback are encouraged. All teleconferences are expected to begin at 12:30 p.m. (CST) and end at 1:30 p.m.

The Feb. 18 event will emphasize simple guidance regarding beef residue avoidance and nutrition. Guest speakers are scheduled to include Parker Henley and Mark Johnson, both of OSU; Rusty Gosz, youth livestock specialist at OSU; and Kirk Stierwalt of Stierwalt Cattle and Clinics.

The Feb. 25 event continues the youth theme with a conversation on livestock biosecurity, health requirements and transport. It will feature Biggs; Ben Janssen, Cimarron Trailers president; and Dalton Newell, OSU senior veterinary student.

On March 4, the topic will be high-risk and high-value health. Discussion will be led by Dr. Bryan Weaver of Kansas State University; and Dr. Mark Barker of Professional Animal Health, Newcastle, Oklahoma.

For more information about the events and registration, contact Biggs at 405-744-8587 or

MEDIA CONTACT: Brian Brus | Agricultural Communications Services | 405-744-6792 |

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