Pokes PodCAS: Two Orange Gowns, Five Majors
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Media Contact: Elizabeth Gosney | CAS Marketing and Communications Manager | 405-744-7497 | egosney@okstate.edu
Jacqueline “Jackie” Harsha and Kaitlyn Taylor have been selected as Orange Gown Graduates for the May 2023 Oklahoma State University commencement ceremonies.
Harsha, a triple major in geospatial information systems, geography and Spanish, will be wearing the orange gown at the College of Arts and Sciences commencement ceremony. Taylor, a double major in animal science and political science, will wear the orange gown at the Ferguson College of Agriculture commencement ceremony. If you lost count, that’s five majors between the two of them.
Recipients of this honor wear a bright orange robe — only worn by one person from each college at commencement — to acknowledge achievements they made as OSU undergraduates. CAS communications coordinator Erin Milek and CAS student intern Allie Putman sat down with both Harsha and Taylor in the latest episode of the Pokes PodCAS. Check out the episode to hear about their OSU experiences and their future plans, including a big move to Washington, D.C. and becoming the first Space Force second lieutenant commissioned from OSU.
The Pokes PodCAS is the official podcast of the Oklahoma State University College of Arts and Sciences and is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and through the CAS website.
Story By: Allie Putman, CAS Student Intern | allie.putman@okstate.edu