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OSU CEAT recognizes diversity in engineering

Friday, April 28, 2017


CEAT Diversity Programs (CDP) hosted the 17th annual Diversity Awards banquet to recognize the achievements of the diverse student population in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology at Oklahoma State University. 

Raye J. Montague, a humble, pioneering, real-life engineer that was typified in the recent movie “Hidden Figures,” served as the keynote speaker. She is credited with the rough draft of the first U.S. Naval ship design using a computer, which revolutionized naval ship design from that point on. She was also the first female program manager (equivalent to a CEO) of ships in the Navy, where she initially got her start as a typist.

“It was a true inspiration to have Raye share how she faced obstacles and challenging situations, and ultimately overcame the barrier to becoming a professional engineer,” says Yokolanda Speight, CDP coordinator.

Students were recognized for their service, leadership and achievements from various CDP organizations such as the Society of Women Engineers, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, National Society of Black Engineers and more.

“It was great to see all of the organizations come together to honor their most outstanding members, and to have all this support from industry representatives,” says Speight.

Over 180 students and 10 industry sponsors attended the banquet. Sponsors included:

Cheseapeake Energy

ChevronPhillps Chemical Company





National Instruments



Phillips 66

About CEAT Diversity Programs

CEAT Diversity Programs (CDP) provides services to support, retain and graduate all CEAT students, which includes underrepresented populations such as Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, Women, First-Generation, Non-Traditional, Disabled, Veterans and LGBTQ+.

All students are welcome to participate, learn and celebrate the value of a diverse CEAT community. To learn more about CDP, visit


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