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Capt. Anthony Gillilan
Capt. Anthony Gillilan

OSUPD officer returns from FBI academy training

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Media Contact: Shannon Rigsby | Associate Director of Public Information | 405-744-9081 |

Capt. Anthony Gillilan, a 27-year veteran with the Oklahoma State University Police Department, has returned from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. 

Gillilan joins nine OSUPD officers who have graduated from the academy since 1976. 

The National Academy 10-week program consists of advanced communication, leadership and fitness training. Graduate and undergraduate courses through the University of Virginia are offered to officers during their time there. 

“Since I had a master’s degree from OSU already, I went ahead and did all master’s level classes to work towards a master’s in public safety,” Gillilan said. “Classes were leadership driven — how you would apply this at a department as far as steering the course and the goals of a department moving forward.”  

Graduating from the National Academy is a prestigious honor. Only a limited number are accepted annually. Gillilan was also one of about 20 officers selected for the International Partner Program. He was paired with a 25-year law enforcement veteran from Croatia. IPP officers assisted the international officers, helping with language barriers and cultural differences so they could be more involved with academy activities and programs.

Gillilan, the administrative and technical support captain for OSUPD, selected his courses at the academy based on his desire to benefit the department, including an emerging technology class.  

“Chief [Leon] Jones’ goal is to be one of the most advanced law enforcement agencies in the state,” Gillilan said. “Since we’re a Division One research institution, his idea is that we should be leveraging that kind of capability for our officers.

“That emerging technologies class helped me with not necessarily what’s currently emerging technology, but how to go out here and find information about technology. From there, I can figure out questions that I need to ask, and then go find answers for them. 

Gillilan is eager to share his new knowledge about technology in his position as the technical support captain. He made numerous connections at the academy he hopes will aid in future endeavors. 

“I’m excited to share the knowledge I learned about leadership and different ways to be an effective leader,” he said. “We have agencies all over the United States and in other universities across the United States that are seeing both similar problems and similar solutions. We’re not trying to solve all these problems ourselves.”

Story By: Abby Cage |

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