College Lends Research Support to OKC Boathouse District
Monday, October 17, 2016
With its world-class race and training course, RIVERSPORT Adventures and more, you likely know that the Boathouse District has become a unique destination for athletes, metro area families, and visitors to Oklahoma City. But did you know that the Oklahoma State University College of Education has been working with the OKC Boathouse District, providing research support on a TSET grant and other projects?
Associate professor Tim Baghurst coordinates the OSU Physical Education program and teaches in the health and human
performance area. Beginning in 2014, Baghurst, along with OSU Ph.D. graduate and current
University of Central Oklahoma faculty member Kevin Fink, worked with the Boathouse
to evaluate an afterschool rowing program, which was initially piloted at Westwood
Elementary in Stillwater and Fillmore Elementary in Oklahoma City. Students at both
schools used rowing machines at their respective school sites, learning the techniques
and concepts for rowing. Baghurst and Fink were responsible for helping to develop
the program, and subsequently assess its effectiveness.
“We evaluated the students’ experiences and recommended modifications for the programs as they continued and expanded,” Baghurst explained. Now the program is offered year-round in multiple schools throughout the state.
Based on the research, Baghurst co-authored two articles in the Journal of Sport Pedagogy and Research — “Development of the Assessment of Rowing Technique in Youth” and “Changes in Performance and Self-Concept Following an Afterschool Indoor Rowing Program.” The first article detailed how rowing technique was assessed, and the second examined changes in participants’ performance and self-efficacy from beginning to end of the program.
In addition, Baghurst is assisting the Boathouse as it collects data on visitors to RIVERSPORT Adventures and the use of the facilities.
“It has been such a pleasure working with the Boathouse Foundation over the past few years. Their focus on improving quality of life through physical activity and exercise is a perfect match with our own health and exercise programs here at OSU, and it’s been exciting to see stronger relationships develop through our efforts,” Baghurst said. “Moving forward I hope that mutually beneficial internship opportunities can be developed across the exercise, leisure, and many other fields that exist at the Boathouse District, and that the College of Education can have a visible presence at the Boathouse District to aid the Foundation in fulfilling its mission.”