Teacher Feature: Lacey Haynie
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Lacey Haynie graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Master of Science in Teaching, Learning and Leadership, option in reading and literacy. A six-year teaching veteran, Haynie is currently a fifth and sixth grade reading specialist at Jenks East Intermediate in Jenks, Oklahoma.

What is the most rewarding part of being an educator?
Helping students grow. Amidst all the tough work, the exhaustion and the frustration,
I often go home and know that in some small way I’ve made a difference in the life
of one child. When I know I’ve done that, I know I’m doing what I was called to do
Do you have a specific teaching memory that has really stuck with you over the years?
One year, I had a particularly unique child in my classroom. I felt that every day
was a struggle to help him progress and to give him the guidance and love he needed.
More often than not, I would go home feeling like I had yet again not reached him
or done anything to help him move forward. I focused a lot of my time and effort on
showing him I cared, supporting him and pushing him to be his best, both academically
and socially. The year came to an end, and I was so sad to see him go because I felt
like I still had so much work to do. On the last day of school, after all the students
had gone home, I found a note on my desk from this particular student. The note thanked
me for pushing him even when things were hard and he didn’t want to do it. He told
me he was grateful for me and all the effort I put into helping him be successful
at school. Talk about heart-warming and encouraging! This is a moment I will always
remember, especially when I feel like I might not be making as much difference as
I’d like.
How did your time at Oklahoma State prepare you for your current teaching position?
My time at OSU prepared me exponentially for the teaching position I now hold. I learned
many research-based best practices that I’m able to implement in my classroom and
with the small groups of students with whom I work. I also have the opportunity to
reflect on the work I did at OSU and share my experiences with the teachers I work
closely with and the new teachers I mentor. I also developed a strong foundation of
relationships with my professors. I know I have a strong community of literacy leaders
who I can turn to and who will continue to help further my practice and knowledge
base as a reading specialist.
How do you advocate for your students and colleagues?
I am always willing to share my perspective with those around me, including best practices
for students and teachers. I also reach out to local legislators to express my concerns
and beliefs for best practice within classrooms. Furthermore, I’m always happy to
support and help teachers understand and use research-based practices to help students
grow and reach their fullest potential.
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Eng |405-744-8320 |rachel.eng@okstate.edu