Teacher Feature: Madison Anders
Friday, December 13, 2019

Madison Anders graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and in 2019 with a Master of Science in Teaching, Learning and Leadership, option in curriculum and leadership studies.
A six-year teaching veteran, Anders currently teaches fourth grade at Will Rogers Elementary School in Stillwater.
For Anders, relationships matter.
“Ms. Anders is a dedicated educator who does a great job developing strong relationships
with her students and motivating them to reach their full potential. Ms. Anders is
also a great team player who works hard to collaborate with families and fellow staff,”
said Meghan Eliason, Principal at Will Rogers Elementary.
Why did you decide to become an educator?
I have always loved working with kids and have never found anything else I love more!
What brings joy to your work?
Building relationships with students and seeing them grow through difficult circumstances is
the most rewarding part of teaching.
What impact do teachers have on the lives of their students?
The influence of a kind and caring teacher can change a child’s life for the better
and open up their eyes to things they never thought possible. Teachers are miracle
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Eng |405-744-8320 |rachel.eng@okstate.edu