CEAT’s Professional Development Offers First Class as an OSHA Training Institute Education Center
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology’s (CEAT) Professional Development of Oklahoma State University is now an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training Institute Education Center, and offered its first class in Stillwater.

OSHA Training Institue (OTI) Education Centers are non-profit organizations that offer training on OSHA standards and occupational safety and health issues to workers and employers nationwide. CEAT Professional Development was selected because of their ability to support OSHA’s national training and education mission. Through the OTI Education Centers Program OSHA offers a broad selection of occupational safety and health classes that aim to provide the knowledge and tools that workers and employers need to identify and correct workplace safety and health hazards.
Their first class, OSHA 503-Update for General Industry Outreach trainers, covered topics relating to OSHA inspection policy updates, OSHA procedures and standards updates, safety and health program management and training techniques. This course is required by outreach trainers every four years to maintain their trainer status. In attendance were Arlette Arruda, Tom Durante, Greg Hogan, Stephen Kliewer, and Pat Thomas with Mike Jaggers instructing.

“Getting the system up and running was a huge undertaking, but we have great staff and instructors here at OSU through CEAT Professional Development and the Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology program” said Program Director Clayton Moorman. “Becoming an OSHA Training Institue Education Center will bring even more recognition to an already great program”.
CEAT Professional Development is currently the only OSHA training provider in the state of Oklahoma and offers training services for all of Region VI which include Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas.
“Having an OSHA Education Center at Oklahoma State University is a huge opportunity for Oklahoma as well as the other states in OSHA Region VI. We look forward to helping employees and employers at companies all across our service area learn what it takes to live and work safely” said Instructional Director Leslie Stockel. “This mission will have a lasting impact on the lives of those within our reach as well as future generations”.