Impact Spotlight on OSU Student Foundation
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Media Contact: Mack Burke | Associate Director of Media Relations | 405-744-5540 |
The Oklahoma State University Student Foundation encourages philanthropy and strives to establish a legacy of giving among OSU students. StuFu aims to educate the OSU student body about the importance and impact of philanthropic and charitable giving. With this goal in mind, members are given the opportunity to participate in various fundraising events and campaigns throughout the school year.
Sawyer Zimmerman, Junior

Hometown: Woodward, Oklahoma
Major: Marketing
Why did you become involved with the Student Foundation?
I got involved with the OSU Student Foundation to make an impact on students across campus. I believe that philanthropy is so important, and I have enjoyed helping advocate for it. I heard about the Student Foundation from a friend from high school, and I knew I had to join once I learned more about the values of the organization and what it does on campus.
What is your orange passion?
My orange passion is split between the Spears School of Business and the Cowboy Marching Band. I have enjoyed being a business major. Spears has provided so many resources to help me succeed, and I want to see it help others like me. I marched with the band for two years and it changed my life. It was an incredible opportunity, and it was the first-ever organization I joined on campus. It has a great community and is a place where new students can thrive and find their place at OSU.
What is most meaningful about being part of the Student Foundation?
The most meaningful part is the community that it brings together and the resources that it provides. The Student Foundation is filled with unique students who all value philanthropy and charitable donations. As a member of the Student Foundation, we have access to the OSU Foundation and all of the people there want to see us succeed.
Trevor Friesen, Sophomore

Hometown: Edmond, Oklahoma
Major: Management, Marketing and International Business
What is your orange passion?
My orange passion is the student organizations on the OSU campus. OSU offers such an incredible assortment of opportunities and possibilities through the various student organizations. I am thankful for personal experiences I’ve had thus far, both through giving back and wanting to continue personal opportunities.
What is the most impactful fundraising initiative you've been a part of?
The most impactful fundraising initiative I have been a part of is Give Orange. It’s an incredible opportunity as it allows students to directly contribute to what they care about and what they are involved in. It allows students to continue supporting and financially assisting diverse opportunities. It allowed me to work alongside both Dr. [Kayse] Shrum and Darren Shrum. I am able to continually impact change, growth and support directly within my campus!
What is most meaningful about being part of the Student Foundation?
The most meaningful aspect of being part of the Student Foundation is that it offers me a platform to grow and assist countless students, organizations and educational platforms on campus through the ability to network, interview, financially support and shine a light toward all that OSU offers. The people within Student Foundation are genuine, caring and not only want to see change, but are willing to get their hands dirty to get it done.
Mackenzie Porter, Senior

Hometown: Archie, Missouri
Major: Animal Science
Why did you get involved with the Student Foundation?
Scholarships are the reason I get to do what I do. I got involved with the Student Foundation because from a very young age, my parents instilled the importance of philanthropy in me. When leaving home to attend OSU, I wanted to join an organization that helped me stay true to my roots and the Student Foundation did just that. I also wanted to help spread the importance of philanthropy with my peers.
What is the most impactful fundraising initiative you've been a part of?
The most impactful fundraising initiative I have been a part of was last year's Cowboys United for Mental Health campaign. It was really powerful to see the campaign's first-year success and how it's still making an impact on campus. It was really awesome to see the student body come together at our student event and lift each other up to all support the same cause. Because of this campaign, we were able to do so much for OSU students.
How has the student foundation impacted your overall OSU experience?
The Student Foundation has impacted my overall OSU experience in so many ways. I have met a community of people that I wouldn't have otherwise. StuFu is something I look forward to each week, and it has truly allowed my love for OSU to grow. It's really impactful to connect with people that are so passionate about OSU and see their love for our university spread across our members and peers.
Story by: OSU Foundation | STATE Magazine