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Impact Spotlight on Women for OSU

Friday, September 13, 2024

Media Contact: Mack Burke | Associate Director of Media Relations | 405-744-5540 |

The Women for OSU Endowed Scholarship is a prestigious award that recognizes academic, philanthropic and volunteer activities among Oklahoma State University's students. Women for OSU awards annual scholarships to students who are passionate about making a positive impact in the world around them.

Alyson Mack, Graduate

Alyson Mack
Alyson Mack

Hometown: Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Major: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Describe a person or experience that shaped who you are today.

A person who has shaped who I am today is my grandmother. She has always served as an example of inclusion. I grew up with a large family that welcomed others to experience life with us. An example is a foreign exchange student my dad’s family hosted when he was in high school who is now considered one of my “aunts” and is included in family pictures. No matter the person or their background, my grandmother always found an extra place at the dinner table or an extra “sock” (stocking) for Christmas. I aspire to be as inclusive and welcoming as she has been. 

How have scholarships impacted your time in college?

Scholarships are not only affirming, but they help with the very real challenge of finding ways to pay for school. Loans come with interest and often force people into taking jobs that pay more to help relieve that burden. With less loans, I can pay off this debt more quickly and focus on work that I care about, which is helping underserved populations both in the U.S. and internationally.

What would you say to the donors who made your scholarship possible, if given the chance?

I would offer a sincere and heartfelt thank you. It is inspiring and appreciated to know that there are people willing to help others. I know that when I start earning an income, I plan to help others as I have been helped. I hope the donors know that their scholarship is not only helping me, but others in the future.

Ara'Seli Salas, Senior

Ara'Seli Salas
Ara'Seli Salas

Hometown: Muskogee, Oklahoma

Major: Sociology: Criminology/Criminal Sciences

Describe a person or experience that shaped who you are today. 

The people who have most profoundly shaped the individual I am today are undeniably my parents. My father's journey from Queretaro, Mexico, to the United States exemplifies unwavering determination and resilience. His commitment to giving back to his community has deeply influenced my own aspirations to positively impact those around me. Equally influential is my mother, a dedicated teacher whose unwavering support and encouragement have been the bedrock of my life. Her intellect, compassion and selflessness are qualities I aspire to emulate daily. Together, my parents have instilled in me the core values of compassion and resilience that guide my actions and decisions. 

What does receiving a Women for OSU scholarship mean to you?

Receiving the Women for OSU scholarship holds profound significance for me as it allows me to continue to pursue my degree in sociology with a concentration in criminal justice. This scholarship has given me an amazing opportunity to deepen my academic studies and has helped relieve me from financial burdens.

What would you say to the donors who made your scholarship possible, if given the chance?

I would express my profound gratitude for their generosity and the incredible opportunity they've provided. Their support means the world to me, and I am deeply thankful for their contributions.

Kennedy Seals, Junior

Kennedy Seals
Kennedy Seals

Hometown: Richmond, Indiana

Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Describe a person or experience that shaped who you are today. 

A person who has shaped who I am today is my grandmother, Janet Seals. She has been a role model and a woman I look up to, as she exemplifies resiliency and optimism. My grandmother has had multiple sclerosis for the entirety of my life, but she still chooses to see the good in each day rather than dwell on the setbacks. She has truly taught me how to enjoy the small things in life and continue moving forward no matter the circumstance. 

How have scholarships impacted your time in college?

Scholarships have impacted my college experience in several aspects, spanning from financial opportunity to personal and leadership development. The most significant impact from scholarships is their capacity to offer others' trust and faith in me to continue working toward my aspirations and making those aspirations financially viable as well.

What would you say to the donors who made your scholarship possible, if given the chance?

I truly cannot thank the donors enough because they have not only made it possible for me to continue my education at OSU, but they have also granted me the opportunity to eagerly work toward my future with the trust that I will reach where I am meant to be. I would like to express my gratitude for those with deep passion for OSU who continue reinvesting into younger generations. Their generosity continues to grow the Cowboy family with loyalty and integrity, which is a philanthropic movement I aim to join one day as well.

 STATE Magazine