As far back as he can remember, Fernando Gomez-Moran has enjoyed working with his hands, from building lego sets to toy cars. The summer before his seventh-grade year in his hometown of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, his mother enrolled him in the Boys and Girls Club, where he stayed while his parents were at work. As the summer progressed, he experienced many opportunities through the organization to figure out what truly interested him.
Three Tulsa-area teachers are convinced OSU-Tulsa’s undergraduate elementary education program has some kind of “special sauce.” Not long after graduating, each of the former college classmates was named Teacher of the Year at her respective school. “OSU-Tulsa’s special sauce is being yourself. They taught us to love kids first, teach second and worry about the test last,” says Sarah Coonce, who teaches at Garfield STEAM Academy in Sand Springs. She was Teacher of the Year at her previous school in 2015.
Significant progress in health research is being made within the College of Education, Health and Aviation, with Dr. Nate Jenkins, assistant professor in health and human performance, leading a team of graduate students on research projects with very practical implications.
There’s more to a fall than a simple loss of motor skills. So perhaps there should be more to trying to predict the risk of a fall than merely measuring motor skills. The idea intrigued Taryn Blackstock, a freshman majoring in applied exercise science. She had been selected as a Freshman Research Scholar, expanding her education beyond the classroom by engaging in research projects. Blackstock worked with College of Education, Health and Aviation faculty member Jason DeFreitas and graduate students in the Applied Neuromuscular Physiology Lab.
The conveyor belt slowly rolls from the 560-degree oven as the round, flat bread falls onto the next belt to head for packaging. The room, heated from the oven, smells like flour,...
Under the pen name of Ally Carter, Sarah Fogleman published the first book in the Gallagher Girls series in 2006. Since then, Fogleman has enjoyed success as a New York Times...