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OSUPD discusses enhanced 911 system

The Oklahoma State University Police Department recently implemented a new 911 enhancement system for the Stillwater campus.
A black sign with the words Police Department as well as the OSU PD logo.
OSUPD academic class turns stipend into scholarships

Fri, Mar 08, 2024

In 2021, the Oklahoma State University Police Department created a three-credit hour course covering the realities of modern law enforcement. This year, OSUPD is taking the stipend paid to those teaching the course — Building Partnerships Through Policing — and turning it into student scholarships.

Campus SafetyCriminologyDepartment of SociologyCAS scholarshipsOSU Police DepartmentCriminal Justice
Chief's Choice: Jones takes roundabout way to becoming head of OSU Police Department

Thu, Dec 21, 2023

Jones takes roundabout way to becoming head of OSU Police Department

Leon JonesOSU Police DepartmentState magazine
OSUPD officer returns from FBI academy training

Thu, Jul 20, 2023

Capt. Anthony Gillilan, a 27-year veteran with the Oklahoma State University Police Department, has returned from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

OSU Police Department
OSU Emergency Operations Center the key to crisis response

Wed, Apr 27, 2022

For many universities, the base of operations during an emergency is a conference room that happens to be vacant at the time. For Oklahoma State University, it’s a carefully designed basement suite with dedicated laptops, hard-wired phones, security camera access and more, in place and ready to go 24/7 since 2007.

OSU Police DepartmentEmergency Operations CenterState magazine
OSU alumnus fulfills dream; joins OSUPD ranks

Mon, Nov 29, 2021

With love for his community and a deep desire to serve, Cole Hammond has always wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of those around him.

AlumniOSU Police Department
Training simulator gives OSUPD new tool for stressful scenarios

Thu, Nov 04, 2021

Every day a law enforcement officer puts on the uniform, there’s a chance they could be faced with a life-or-death decision. These split-second decisions are difficult to train for unless officers are subjected to high-stress situations that replicate the conditions. The Oklahoma State University Police Department now has a new tool that can do just that, thanks to the Division of Institutional Diversity, which purchased a training simulator with privately raised funds.

OSU Police DepartmentStillwater Police Department
OSUPD officer receives lifesaving award

Tue, Jul 13, 2021

Senior Police Officer Leslie Grotheer received a Life Saving Award from the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police for her actions when she encountered a suicidal young man in April.

OSU Police DepartmentCampus SafetyPolice Officer