Born in San Borja, Peru, Jose Oyola Morales discovered his love for animals on his grandparents’ farm. He later lived in Delaware and chose Oklahoma State University as the place...
Abby is an English Golden Retriever puppy. She came to live with her owners—the Ashcrafts of Edmond, Oklahoma—about 10 days before she became deathly ill.
It’s New Year’s Eve. Many people plan special celebrations and often party into the wee hours of the morning. At OSU’s Veterinary Medical Hospital, the order of the night is...
Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences invited the public to witness a young owl being released back into the wild on Wednesday, June 10.
Nearly 10 years ago, equine veterinarians at Oklahoma State University’s Veterinary Medical Hospital treated Barbie, daughter of a three-time world champion roping horse, for a...
At just 9 months old, Tripp Traw weighs over 80 pounds. He is a Great Pyrenees mix owned by JoAnn Traw of Farmington, Ark. The puppy underwent surgery at Oklahoma State’s...