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Registration open for free firefighter training offered by OSU FST

Oklahoma State University’s Fire Service Training program is providing training conferences over the next two years free of charge to Oklahoma’s firefighters.
A firefighter holding a tool to move debris looks through his respirator mask which is speckled with sweat. The background is dark and smoky and the firefighter wears a light underneath the hood of his helmet.
OSU team presents lifesaving training at GEAPS Exchange

Sun, Mar 17, 2019

Oklahoma State University’s Grain Entrapment Prevention and Rescue Team is taking their mission to educate and save lives to the national stage. Carol Jones, a professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at OSU, presented at the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) Exchange 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana on March 9-12.

Human Health and Wellnessfire service trainingCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyNews TopicsEngineering and DesignOutreach and EngagementBiosystems engineering