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For landowners, keeping up best land management practices will go a long way in hosting a healthy population of birds.

Range Management for Quail and Wild Turkey Field Day

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Quail and wild turkey are a little on the picky side in Oklahoma. Neither game species will just show up and hang out without the proper habitat.

For landowners, keeping up best land management practices will go a long way in hosting a healthy population of birds. To assist those managing property for quail and wild turkey, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension is teaming up with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and several other state and national organizations to host a field day.

The Range Management for Quail and Wild Turkey Field Day is scheduled June 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Beaver River Wildlife Management Area, just north of Beaver, Oklahoma. There is no cost to attend, but those interested should RSVP by June 8 to Weston Storer, with the ODWC, at (806) 339-5175 or email at

“Managing property for quail and turkey is not the most difficult thing on the planet to do. You just have to know what it is you are supposed to do,” said Dwayne Elmore, OSU Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist. “This workshop is designed to help those with limited knowledge as well as experienced land managers.”

Several topics will be covered throughout the day including cottonwood restoration, strip disking, shrub management and supplemental water.

Quail Forever will provide lunch for participants, and the Society for Range Management and the National Wild Turkey Federation are co-hosting the event.

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