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Delegates in this undated photo take part in State 4-H Roundup in what is now Gallagher/Iba Arena on the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater. Oklahoma 4-H’ers will gather at OSU in July to celebrate the 100th anniversary of State 4-H Roundup.

4-H Roundup memories contest part of centennial celebration

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Media Contact: Trisha Gedon | Communications Specialist | 405-744-3625 |

With the 100th State 4-H Roundup quickly approaching, it’s a great time to dust off scrapbooks and scroll through smartphone files for photos of fond memories — and possibly win a cash prize for your county 4-H Youth Development program at the same time.

“We want photos from anyone who has a memory of attending State 4-H Roundup in any capacity — as a club member, a chaperone, a volunteer leader or an Oklahoma State University Extension educator,” said Kristin Young, marketing coordinator for the Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development state office. “This is a great way to see how 4-H Roundup has changed over the years and to reflect on how 4-H has influenced so many lives.”

The photo contest is open to the public. It begins at 8 a.m. June 1 and ends at 11:59 p.m. July 25. Winners will be announced via email, as well as the Oklahoma 4-H Facebook page at 10 a.m. July 26.

Cash prizes will be awarded to the county whose members upload the most photos to the online contest platform. Prize awards are $750 for first place, $500 for second and $250 for third place. Award money will be deposited into county accounts within the Oklahoma 4-H Foundation.

Participants may upload one photo per day to the contest platform; each entry requires a completed submission form to be counted toward county totals. An individual who enters the same photo multiple times will count as only one entry; however, multiple individuals may enter the same photo.

“We’re so excited to be able to celebrate the State 4-H Roundup Centennial this year. We have former 4-H’ers all over the world, so it will be fun to see where the photos come from,” Young said. “The photos will remain online so everyone will have a chance to look at them and reminisce about 4-H Roundups gone by. You might even get a glimpse of a long-lost friend.”

By entering this competition, participants agree that OSU and its affiliates retain the right to unlimited use of the submitted photographs for university publicity and promotion, without compensation. A complete list of guidelines is available online.

For more information about the contest, contact Young via email or contact the nearest OSU Extension county office.

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