Faculty receive university-wide recognition for research and teaching
Monday, December 16, 2019
Eighteen faculty, staff and administrators from the Colleges of Education, Health, and Aviation and Human Sciences received university-wide recognition at the 2019 Convocation Dec. 11. Awards highlighted interdisciplinary research, teaching and global education.
Andrew Doust, team leader for a grant from the National Science Foundation studying plant biomass, worked with Julie Angle, associate professor of science education in the School of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Sciences, and team members to mentor high school science teachers in research methods. Their team won first place in the President’s Cup for Creative Interdisciplinarity.
Karina Shreffler, professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science, received the Regents Distinguished Research Award for her research on childbearing intentions, behaviors and consequences of reproductive experiences.
Stephanie Hathcock, assistant professor in the School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences, and Edralin Lucas, Jim and Lynn Williams Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, received the Regents Distinguished Teaching Award. The award recognizes unusually significant achievement in student instruction for an extended number of years.
The Global Education Faculty Excellence Award was given to Barbara Brown, food specialist and associate professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences. Brown has worked with U.S. Department Agency for International Development projects in Ecuador, Mozambique, Haiti and Nicaragua.
The Award for Excellence in Academic Program Assessment recognizes excellence in assessment planning, reporting and implementation. From the School of Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psychology: Mary Malaska, associate professor and director of the online Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, Alana Cluck, clinical faculty, and McKinzey Porter, a counseling psychology doctoral student. From the Department of Design, Housing and Merchandising, Greg Clare, associate professor, was also recognized.

Mary Mach, academic adviser in the Watson Student Success Center, and Edralin Lucas, Jim and Lynn Williams Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, received the Advising Excellence Award.
Jason DeFreitas, associate professor in the School of Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation, and Dingo (Daniel) Lin, associate professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, received the Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award. Lin studies diabetes and infectious disease, mitochondrial function in energy metabolism, and chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. DeFreitas specializes in neural control, aging and sensorimotor integration.
The Inclusive Excellence Faculty Award was given to Jennifer Jones, associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science, for her development of the Let’s Take a Walk! program partnering OSU students and Stillwater community members with intellectual and developmental disabilities for exercise and conversation.
Additionally, newly appointed chair and professorship holders were recognized: Mallory Casebolt, Roger Hardesty Chair in Aviation Science; Amber Manning-Ouellette, Anderson, Farris and Halligan College Student Development Professor; Joe Terantino, Stella V. Andersen Endowed Professor, Amanda Harrist, Bryan B. Close Endowed Professor (re-appointed).

President’s Cup for Creative Interdisciplinary
Julie Angle, team member
Regents Distinguished Research Award
Karina Shreffler
Regents Distinguished Teaching Award
Stephanie Hathcock, Edralin Lucas
Global Education Faculty Excellence Award
Barbara Brown
Award for Excellence in Academic Program Assessment
Mary Malaska, Alana Cluck, Mckinzey Porter, Gregory Clare
Advising Excellence Award
Mary Mach, Edralin Lucas
Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award
Jason DeFreitas, Dingo Daniel Lin
Inclusive Excellence Faculty Award
Jennifer Jones
Newly Appointed Chair and Professorship Holders
Mallory Casebolt, Amber Manning-Ouellette, Joe Terantino, Amanda Harrist
Award winners from all colleges can be found here.
MEDIA CONTACT: Brittany Bowman|405-744-9347 | brittany.bowman@okstate.edu